Partnering with like-minded people, whether individuals, business associates, or financial institutions, has solidified our philosophy to invest wisely and manage each project with the highest level of integrity.
Real Estate Partners

Financial Lenders
JB Morgan Chase Bank
US Bank
UBS Financial
Bank of Hemet
Bank of America
City National Bank
Hunt Mortgage – Freddie Mac
US Bank
UBS Financial
Bank of Hemet
Bank of America
City National Bank
Hunt Mortgage – Freddie Mac
Farmers and Merchants Bank
Merrill Lynch
Northern Trust Bank
Royal Bank of Scotland
Wells Fargo
Legacy Texas Bank
Walker and Dunlap – Fanny Mae
Merrill Lynch
Northern Trust Bank
Royal Bank of Scotland
Wells Fargo
Legacy Texas Bank
Walker and Dunlap – Fanny Mae
Other Associates
Buie Stoddard Group
Cabinet and Countertop Solutions, LLC
CT Realty Partners
De Rito Partners
Guthrie Development
HG Fenton Company
Cabinet and Countertop Solutions, LLC
CT Realty Partners
De Rito Partners
Guthrie Development
HG Fenton Company
Integra Pacific, LLC
IPT Development
McMahon-Oliphant Properties
MDG Development Group
Monarch Development
Trammell Crow Company
IPT Development
McMahon-Oliphant Properties
MDG Development Group
Monarch Development
Trammell Crow Company